Wednesday 19 June 2013

how to grow tall(adults and kids):
the most of them ask how to grow tall or do we grow tall after 18 or 21 so here we grow oops go if you are under 18 and whant to grow tall there are lots of chances for you as your age incr. your chance to grow decr. so have good diet play basket ball and swimming will incr. ua height
for girls the growth stops till age 18 or 20 
for boys they can grow until 21 some men have boost in there growth after 18 it depends on ua diet and your daily habits and the most important thing is your genes so diet for healthy growth  

 Ensuring that you're getting all the vitamins and minerals your body requires will help you grow to your full height. Take a supplement targeted at your age group with breakfast each morning, and try to incorporate certain foods into your diet. Here are some specific suggestions:Get plenty of calcium (found in dairy products and green vegetables). Calcium promotes bone growth, and can help prevent osteoporosis

.Taking 500mg of niacin has shown to significantly increase growth hormone levels only when taken on an empty stomach Get sufficient vitamin D3 (which can be obtained through eating fish, alfalfa, or mushrooms, or spending enough time in the sun). Vitamin D promotes bone and muscle growth in children and a deficiency has been shown to stunt growth and cause weight gain in teenage girls  If you don't like fish, consider a purified fish oil supplement (purifying removes mercury).Take in lots of protein (from meat, eggs, tofu or legumes). Proteins provide an essential building block your body needs in order to grow. At least one (preferably two) of your meals each day should include a high quality proteinUp your zinc intake (oysters, chocolate, peanuts, eggs, peas, asparagus and supplements). A zinc deficiency can cause stunted growth in children  The best way to make sure you meet your body's daily need is by taking a vitamin or supplement that includes zinc.Eat on a regular schedule. You should be eating 3 meals a day, with small snacks between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner. Try to schedule these events at roughly the same time each day

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